To: From: () Subject: UFO Sighting Reports Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by () on Monday, April 20, 1998 at 23:42:17 location: INDIANA USA date: July1995 time: 9:30 p.m sighting: I was working at a small camp in southern Indiana. It was about 9:30 at night and half the camp was out on trips, while the rest were sitting around an unstarted fire. Since the fire would not start, one of my friends went up on a hill, looking for better wood. The rest of us were listening to another counselor play guitar. I was sitting on a bench with three of my friends. Out of the corner of my eye i noticed a light from above the trees. I looked at my friends to notice they were already standing. The light looked like a spot light, yet it was an orangeish-red color. The guy playing the guitar looked on the ground and saw the light panning aroung on the ground, like it was searching. The light moved slowly across the sky. it was slowly beginning to be blocked by a large tree. as we strained to see it better, it dieappeared. There were immediate excuses, "it was a helocopter with a spot light." this seemed valid unitl i pointed out that there would be some serious noise if it was a chopper. Then about ten min. later the guy from the hill came down. He looked like he was in shock. I talked to him as he was coming down the hill, "did you see it? what was it?" He had no answers, he said the light was to bright to see anything behind it. He said it looked really close to being just above the trees. Then came the important observation. It was completely silent, again ruling out a helocopter. Campfire continued, just like normal, but with a wierd atmosphere. My friends and i then returned to the mess hall where the cooks were sitting there talking. They told us they were laying out in the pasture, and the light passed over them. As soon as it got over the pasture it lit up brighter, lighting up the entire pasture, which is when they ran inside. Jeff Cantwell |
UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World