To: From: Subject: Submitted UFO Sighting Report LOCATION : Carrollton Kentuky DATE-Sighting : TIME-Sighting : 9:44 P.M This is your Submitted Sighting Report : I was taking out the garbige. I was amazad what I have seen. It looked like a moon , but it was moving in and out. (no clouds) A couple minuets later a orange beam hit the road. Then I ran in the house. The next day I went over my friends house(Theo). Theo vedio taped it. We wes kind of scared. We might send the tape to the government. After that day we saw that same beam at the lake. So we went over there. We saw nothing. ???????????????!!@#$%^ When we came back my neck was burning and Theo;s Too. But where still ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |