Subject: UFO Sighting Reports
Below is the result of your feedback form.
It was submitted by (jdouglas@boma)
on Saturday, April 19, 1997 at 17:53:16
name: Christy
location: Calgary, Alberta
date: April 12, 1997
time: unknown
sighting: At a camping trip my friends and I were night hiking and we saw what I found to be the most amazing
thing I'd ever witnessed! We heard a noise like quiet thunder and when we looked in the direction it was coming
from, we saw a rather large almost diamond shaped object hovering abouve a mountain. It filled me personally (Christy)
with a sense of peace, and I don't think that UFO's are there to harm us. Since then my friends and I have developed
a better undersanding of life on Earth, and are trying to help due to the severe feeling of urgency that my friend
Mayeve felt in terms of the Earth's destruction at present. I hope you understand, if not E-mail me without hesitation!
Thank you so much for listening open mindedly,God knows most don't.
-Christy, Makaela, Elizabeth, Veronica, Shayla and Mayeve
{UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World}