To: From: () Subject: UFO Sighting Reports Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by () on Tuesday, February 3, 1998 at 22:24:48 location: Burnt Ranch , California date: 9-3-93 time: 6:30 Pm sighting: A very large disk shaped (base), that supported an hour glass shaped structure that had a spinning ball inside . Above the hour glass structure , was tall structure that resembled a skyscraper. A flying city???? Along the base of the disk was a multitude of red,green, and white light that moved to the rhythum of the spinning ball inside of the hour glass structure,(super structure). Every time the pattern changed the object would stop. It traveled quite slowly and later picked up speed. I can't rember how it left our view (my wife's and I) to this day, but the whole thing lasted at least 20 minutes or so. It flew along side highway 299 west in that area I mentioned at tree top level. The traffic (the other cars on the road) kept passing us at high speed and pulling over to the shoulder the occupants seemed as though they wer'e jumping for attention to what ever this thing was . Kind of like hey! bus driver stop........ I don't know????????????????? But I'll never forget that smell (corona) I think they call it ENERGY.......The structure looked as though it's been around for quite some had that flare It was never reported to my knowledge by anyone so I guess here goes Charles and Nora Lyons Weaverville, California T.C.O.E. ed nora (e-mail) |
{UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World}