Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 05:21:50 GMT
From: unknown@unknown (unknown)
Name: Woodie
Location: Santa Fe, New Mexico
Date_of_Sighting: Spring of 1997
Time_of_Sighting: evening
I was attending college in Santa Fe. And one of my friends
lived off campus. My friend's boyfriend told me he would
give me a ride back to campus. As we were walking out the
door of the apartment building, there was a loud noise over
head. A craft that was smaller than a fighter jet, it was
only about half the size of a fighter jet, as I had seen
some at the Alb. airport(For those who don't know, it
doubles as both a military and a civilan airport) Yet it
flew just as fast or faster than a jet would fly. It flew
directly over our heads, going northeast.