To: From: Subject: Submitted UFO Sighting Report LOCATION : Abington, Pa. USA DATE-Sighting : July 1980 TIME-Sighting : 9:00PM This is your Submitted Sighting Report : A friend and I were driving down the main Route when we saw a "Ball" of fire over top of the School. We drove onto the school grounds to the upper level. We got out of the car to see a craft (3/4 the size of a Football field)with red hot fire flaming out the bottom and rising to the top of the ship. It resembled a tear drop shape. For approx. 5 min. we witnessed the firey event. The Fire then reduced and went out. We were in a puzzled state, because we've never seen anything like this before. The craft then then started to move and it was moving straight in our direction. When it began to desend down towards us I freaked out and jumped in the car. My friend was not affected and started to make jokes, like, take me to your leader, and so forth. I was yelling at him to get in, get in the car! He then stood on the the hood of the old car, and put his arms out. I floored the gas and he rolled over the roof and off the trunk. I stopped the car and he got in. We headed for the South Campus and the craft did too! I drove the car into a small neighborhood and parked under a tree. We both got out of the car and this craft slowly sailed right over top of the tree and us. We could see the manufacturing of this thing. And it was'nt anything we've built! I took my friend home about a mile away and went home to tell my parents of the event, and it was 2 hours later. I called the news, and they did confirm, they were swamped with calls about the same thing.(Condensed Version) |
UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World