Subject: Form posted from Mozilla
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 08:40:01 -0800
From: larry

Location:=Hastings, Nebraska
Date:=June 1971
Time:=~10:00 p.m.
While embarking on a cross-coutry trip from Milwaukee to San Francisco,
I observed something curious and unexplainable on the first night of my
trip. I was traveling west on I-80 and was preparing to look for a
place to stay overnight. I was well away from any town or city setting,
and the next freeway sign was a turnoff for Hastings. As I came around
a wide bend in the freeway, I observed three lights that appeared to
define the apexes of an equilateral triangle. I assumed the lights to
be attached to some structure that was directly above the freeway. My
first thought was 'how odd that there would be a railroad crossing light
out here'. As I got closer, I realized the lights were not there for
that or any other apparent purpose. The 'structure' appeared to be
about 100 feet above the road surface. The two lower apex lights
pulsated and were orange-red in color. The top light was red and did
not pulsate. I drove directly under the lights and recall looking up
through my dashboard and wondering what to make of it. This isn't the
end of the story. I remember seeing the lights still in the sky as I
looked in my rear view mirror, not really thinking much more about it.
Shortly thereafter, I got off the freeway at the next rest stop,
expecting to find a place to park and spend the night. A car with a
family pulled in just as I was getting out of my car and stretching. I
began to talk to the man , who was with his wife and children. I
mentioned to him that I'd seen the weird set of lights above the freeway
and wondered if he figured out what they were. He had passed the same
spot minutes after me, but his response was that he hadn't seen anything.
There's no way he could have missed seeing the lights, as they were no
other lights around and they were directly in front of and above the path
of the vehicle. The story goes on. I gave it no further thought. I
mentioned I was looking for a place to park and spend the night sleeping
in my car. The man informed me that it was illegal to do so in Nebraska
at the rest stop. However, he knew of a place just off the freeway where
he was going to park and that I could follow him there. We drove only a
few more miles, got off the freeway and parked. My recollection isn't
really clear after that. I remember being in my back seat and falling
asleep. Upon waking up, I realized my car was the only vehivle in this
clearing. The family was gone, apparently having left before I awoke.
Ironically, this incident and the previous night's experience didn't
really seem unusual at the time. I went on the rest of my journey and
gave it no further thought. When I arrived in California, I reported to
Hamilton AFB where I was being reassigned. About 2 weeks later, I was
conversing with some new friends and the thought finally occurred to me.
I had seen something very strange but didn't acknowledge it as such. I
had the perfect opportunity to stop my car, get out and observe what may
have been a UFO. (By the way, I forgot to mention that no sound came
from the 'object' and there were no structures on either side of the
freeway that could have supported the bizarre light structure.)
Furthermore, why did the man not observe what I had seen? Did the lights
go out? And the overnight experience was just as strange. How did the
man know of the place, which turned out to be not a campground but just
some sheltered place that his family and I shared for the night.

I have to admit that I studied and had interest in UFOs all my life.
This makes my (in)actions seem even more incredible. I do not suffer
freom 'lost time' sydrome and I doubt that anything beyond what I've
mentioned occurred. Nonetheless, I am still mystified by what I saw and
moreso by how I responded.
Feel free to publish this report as you see fit...

UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World