Subject: UFOSNMW REPORT FORM Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 10:04:47 +0000 From: unknown@unknown (unknown) To: Name: Cynthia Location: Las Vegas Date_of_Sighting: 5/15/00 Time_of_Sighting: 1:40am Sighting: My husband and I were standing on the balcony, smoking a cigarette, and this THING came into our line of vision. We see planes all the time. This was no plane. We live in the city, it was not a Nellis AF craft, and we know the traffic patterns, this was in the opposite direction. It was circular, had several lights around the edge of it, and was moving at a fairly high rate of speed Northwesterly. It was not flying straight, rather it kinda worbled along. It was luminescent as well as having the lights around the edge. I'm not sure how far away it was, but it was over a well populated area. I'll watch the news and report back. My guess is that not to many people noticed because it Was moving really quick, and would have crossed the entire populated area in less than 5 minutes. It was in my field of vision for over 30 seconds. 3:04am, nothing on the news about it. |