Subject: UFO Sighting Reports
Below is the result of your feedback form.
It was submitted by (
on Friday, April 11, 1997 at 19:01:27
name: Damiano Parravano
location: Piedimonte S. Germano (FR)
date: 01/04/1997
time: 23.00
sighting: Io ed un mio vecchio amico ci trovavamo in in una zona pianeggiante poco distante da casa quando all'improvviso
uno strano senso di freddo ci ha attraversato contemporaneamente abbiamo visto le nuvole sopra di noi colorarsi
di un giallo abbastanza acceso dai riflessi rossi ed infine abbiamo visto definire pian piano quello strano colore
che sempre più assomigliava a due grandi piatti rovesciati l'uno sopra l'altro : dopo qualche istante l'oggetto
che doveva avere il diametro di qualche decina di metri è sparito ad una velocità impressionante.
From: Andrea
Subject: Translation from Italian to English
Hi Jim,
The message you want me to transate is in 1st person and the translation is:
'I was walking, with an old friend, in a flat area close to my house and suddenly we both felt a weird sense of
cold and above us the clouds turned to be bright yellow with strange red lights and after a while those strange
colors became two big plates reversed one on the other. That object was more than 60 feet in diameter and after
few seconds disappeared with an impressive speed.'
I put 60 feet because the author literally said that the object was 'some ten meters' long, which an Italian expression
for saying: 20-30 meters. (1 meter = 3 feet).
The location: Piedimonte S. Germano is closer to Frosinone (that's why he put 'Fr') which is a city in Lazio (Lazio
is a region, where Rome is).
Andrea Marasco
Webmaster wrote:
Andrea, thank you for the translation you have been a great help.
. {UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World}