Name: geoff p. Location: denver col. Date_of_Sighting: 4-4-00 Time_of_Sighting: 11:37pm Sighting: i was up pretty late for me and when i went to check on the dogs(they were barking like crazy) i saw this glowing light out east. i looked as hard as i could but coulnt see much. then i decided to sneek into my dads room and brought his banoculers outside and looked out. they are really powerfull ones and i see the object really clear. it was a silvery matalic disk that was slightly oblong, like it was stretched out or something. it was reflecting some light so i think that was the glowing. just then it started to move very slowly and tilted back. then in one big flash, it was blating by my house. it kind of hesitated for a second as it passed my house as if it was looking at me and my dogs. i followed it with my eye as it went into the sky and i could see that it wasnt any airplane. when it sort of hesitated i could make out a clear description of the body of the object. it was really reflective and had slight indentations on the side of it that changes shape right as it got high. there wasnt any window or anything which was pretty weired. the next day i was talking to this guy named freddy that lives by the spot i first saw it. he told me that he heared these noises in his head that were just theses "high pitched sounds that kind of throbbed." if anyone else saw anything in the denver area then please post it. im scared to sleep. i am a person whos a little paranoid and believes in obduction and stuff, so this is really creepy. |