From: "Vorta"
Subject: 56 elk found dead on mountain
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 15:22:33 -0600
I thought I should pass this on to you: In the first week of
a hunter was out scouting for the elk (before elk season begins)
on Mount Evans when he stumbled on a large area where lay 56
dead elk.
The Colorado Game dept. sent a man to see the area and he
(not trained in animal forensics and not making a detailed bodily
investigation) proclaimed it a LIGHTNING STRIKE EVENT. When I
heard the news report I had just seen a special report about
lightning strikes on TV and heard that most people struck by
lightning DO NOT fact many people have been struck
times in their lives. I have also known personally people who
struck and who lived with only small problems.
An elk out weighs a human by an average factor of 3 to 4 times
hence the their ohms or resistance should make them even less
to die by lightning than a man. For example, in my old electronics
class our teacher plugged our class into a wall socket as we
all held
hands. Because our combined weight and mass was so great no one
The area where the elk were laying was about the size of a football
field. Lightning tends not to kill victims who are 20 feet from
strike zone. Also the current is dissipated and reduced the further
from the strike point you are. I find it unlikely and almost
impossible to imagine a lightning bolt killing 56 heavy elk in
a area
200 yards across!! But at the same time I know that the LAST
the game warden was searching for was an animal-UFO-kill area.
This report appeared about Sept 1, 1999 on News 4 in Denver Colorado.
I thought you might find it of interest.
Lavrenti Beria |