To: From: Subject: Submitted UFO Sighting Report LOCATION : Eyota/MN/USA DATE-Sighting : 1998 TIME-Sighting : 1:00a.m. This is your Submitted Sighting Report : I was walking home from a party when I saw these three strange looking stars. When I looked at them further, I saw they were slowly moving in a circle. Then the sky turned from night to day. A huge beam of light cut across the sky towards the circling lights. I think it was like the mother ship coming to get a scout or somthing. To: From: Subject: Submitted UFO Sighting Report LOCATION : Bend, OR DATE-Sighting : 5/11/98 TIME-Sighting : 9:45 p.m. This is your Submitted Sighting Report : I was sitting in my living room watching T.V. when I looked out my window and saw a bright light. I looked closer and realized that there was a disclike object in the sky. The U.F.O. then came closer and then flew back out to space. Sincerely, Adolph To: From: Subject: Submitted UFO Sighting Report LOCATION : Beaufort South Carolina U.S. DATE-Sighting : May 8 1998 TIME-Sighting : 1005 PM This is your Submitted Sighting Report : It was a large oval shaped white disk. It flew across my house several times before it stop near the horizon. It hovered there for several minutes before it finally disappeared. Date: Sat, 09 May 1998 21:40:20 -0400 From: susan wichers To: Subject: ufo in bahamas my family and i were on vacation in harbor island in 1995.i had just closed my eyes and when i reopened them the bay window in our bedroom was filled with a purpleish light. i thought i was dreaming but i realized my husband was snoring exactly as before.very spooky and no one but me saw it. thanx susan To: From: Subject: Submitted UFO Sighting Report LOCATION : Katy Tx DATE-Sighting : 5-9-98 TIME-Sighting : 10:00PM This is your Submitted Sighting Report : Myself with 3 other family members saw a bright light enter our atmospher at a 45 degree angle. As it was near ground level the fire ball turned from white to green. Then it disappeared. The total sighting lasted about 3 seconds. respond with info at To: From: Subject: Submitted UFO Sighting Report LOCATION : victorville ca. DATE-Sighting : aug1985 TIME-Sighting : 12:00am This is your Submitted Sighting Report : I was driving home on a country road when i thought there was a motorcyle coming with bright light i flashed my high beams at it and then the light got even brighter and when it got to where impact would have occured it just disappeared without any sound.i pulled over and got out of my car and still no sound or sight to be found.It was very frightening. |
UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World