Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 23:11:22 GMT To: From: Subject: Submitted UFO Sighting Report LOCATION : Fairbanks, AK DATE : Mar 26, 1998 TIME : 9:30 pm This is your Submitted Sighting Report : My name is Ray G. I was out bird watching late at night in the Tanana flats. I was minding my own business looking for the first canadian geese of the season. It was completely dark outside but a few twinkling stars. The silence became deafening around me, quieter than had been almost a moment before. Later after I was at home safe and sound and sipping hot coffee I thought this over and came to the conclusion that somehow the visitors had a system in place so I couldn't hear a thing. However this actually made me more aware that something strange was going on. I put my binoculars down and looked up into the arctic night sky. Almost right above hovered a tremendous object. It was about as big as a mobile home. A few lights were placed on the outside of the ship. I was entranced by this display and almost felt hyptonized by the ship. I suddenly felt something on my shoulder. I turned back to look behind me and nothing was there. As a tingle went through my spine I turned my attention back up to the night sky. The ship whatever it had been, whatever it had been doing, was gone. I believe this to be my first brush with an extraterrestrial. |
UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World