To: From: Submitted-Sightings Subject: Submitted UFO Sighting Report LOCATION : Area of Washington D.C. DATE-Sighting : April 5th TIME-Sighting : 10:30 pm This is your Submitted Sighting Report : What's most incredible about this sighting is that someone else had the exact sighting almost exactly a yrar prior. I was going South on Rt 270. I was around the Boyds exit. This is about 20 miles North of Washingto D.C.. I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It was a very bright light (brightest light in the sky). It was traveling from East to West at an incredible speed. It's angle of decent was about 70 degrees. It was almost going straight toward the ground. I too was waiting for the object to impact the ground.(Refer to D.C. sighting 3/26/97 @ 7:30 pm) I was sure I was going to see an explosion. I must have misjudged its distance because it did not impact the ground. The only thing I can guess is that it was beyond the horision. I e-mailed some news papers to see if anyone else reported anything, but had no luck. If anyone hexperienced this pleases e-mail me. I especially wat to hear from the persom who reported the sight that happened a year ago. Thanks. |
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