Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 00:49:38 +0100 (BST)
From: unknown@unknown (unknown)
Name: Dell Thurber
Location: Agana Guam
Date_of_Sighting: June 1989
Time_of_Sighting: 9pm
I was in the military stationed in Guam and I was coming out
of a gift shop on hotel row over looking the Bay. When i
looked out on the water I saw a light on the horizon coming
towards the shore. I thought it was a helicopter but as it
came closer it was moving at an incredible speed. As the
light got closer to shore it made a 45 degree turn and went
parrelle to the cliff line at the the end of the road. I
never saw anymore than the high intesity light and it made
no sound at all. The local paper did run a story about the
sightings but could not comfirm the reports with radar data
from the airport. I will never forget it. |