Subject: WWW Form Submission
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 19:41:41 GMT
From: ()
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted
() on Wednesday, March 31, 1999 at 19:41:41
Name: Jay
Location: 4 corners area, southwest US
Date: 1980
Time: 3 am
Sighting: We had left Mexican Hat,UT at midnight, on a warm
July night, 1980.
We had planned on camping just outside Page, AZ, but when someone
had taken
our reserved spot, we decided to keep going. We decided to rest
in Las Vegas,
NV. It was a beautiful clear night with a zillion stars and a
small horn of
a moon. There was no traffic, and we made good time across the
desert. I
was in the passenger's seat looking out and trying to see by
the light of the
stars when I saw on star getting bigger on the horizon. It grew
from a
pin-point to about the size of a basketball when my friend Bill,
who was
driving, began to stare at it too. My eyes never left the bright
light, and
I felt when Bill had taken his foot off of the gas pedal. The
continued to grow larger, then the car began to shudder and die.
The next
thing I remember is "waking up" as if I were snapping
out of a daydream. Now
I was driving, I had not buckled my seatbelt as was my habit,
and the sun was
rising. Instead of heading west toward Nevada, we were going
south. A sign
indicated that we were 20 miles to Prescott. I don't remember
drivers or direction. I only remember being terrified of the
bright ball of
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