Subject: UFOSNMW REPORT FORM Date: Fri, 5 May 2000 15:46:01 +0000 From: unknown@unknown (unknown) To: Name: Ponygirl 40 Location: Iowa Date_of_Sighting: 1970 Time_of_Sighting: 11:00 p.m. Sighting: I was 11 years old, went hunting with my two brothers ages 13,and 15. We were coon hunting on my fathers farm.My brothers both got up ahead of me. Thats when for some reason I looked up into the sky, and there it was, big as life.My mouth dropped open and All i could do was stare in disbelief.I guess it to be 150 feet above me, it seemed kinda small to me and totally dome shaped. It had large oval lights that were every other red and green,they seemed to blink or somehow circle the craft. It made no sound at all, I looked at those lights and I could tell I couldn't see in to them, they were not windows.It was floating there totally still. Suddenly it veered to the East in a semi circle. It seemed to diappear by going between two hills. I ran after it screaming for my brothers,running through little hickory trees desperate to keep it in my sight. My brothers showed up and I cought my breath and asked if they saw it. They had not which was hard to believe, yet it was totally silent, you would have to look up into the sky and we were in a forest so it wouldn't have cought your eyes necessarily. I told them I was sure it must of crashed so they agreed to go look mostly because I was so excited.We looked and looked to no avail. I'm 40 now and will always remember this awesome experience. Nothing since this time has ever happened to me, I wish it would though, I wish everyone could see one because we can get over wondering if they are real. I know this to be true for myself thats the best part about this, The worst is people really do think your a lying nut , all it would take to change this is if the skeptics get their own sighting. |