Subject: UFO Sighting Reports
Below is the result of your feedback form.
It was submitted by ()
on Wednesday, November 27, 1996 at 00:20:21
name: Ida
location: Bradley Illinois
date: August 1996
time: Around 10:00 PM.
sighting: I was in my neighbors front yard when I saw a very bright red light in the sky. I could hear what
sounded like a motor (like a rooom rooom sound). Then it started to come down lower. The red light went out and
two white lights came on.The motor sound stopped. What I saw then was a huge long silver thing with no wings and
two lights. It also looked like it had smoke or steam coming from it. I at first thought it might crash. It then
drifted off toward the west till I could not see it anymore.
----------- UPDATE --------- UPDATE --------- UPDATE -------- UPDATE --------
Subject: UFO Sighting Reports
Below is the result of your feedback form.
It was submitted by (none)
on Saturday, May 10, 1997 at 00:48:43
name: Ida
location: Bradley, Illinois
date: August 1996
time: 10:00 pm
sighting: I was sitting by the front room watching TV. I heard a motor sound up in the air. I thought it was
a helicopter. Then it sounded like it was staying in one place. I went outside. I could'nt see good in my front
yard, so I went to my neighbors yard. I looked toward the east high in the sky. I saw a big bright flashing red
light sitting in one place. Then it started to move like it was coming down and then the big red light went off
and it quit making noise. It looked like smoke or steam was coming from it. I thought it was going to crash. I
got very scared and even thought to hide under my neighbors car. I momentarily looked away and when I looked back
it had leveled off and the motor sound started up again(kind of a low humming sound , hard to describe). I stood
there and tried to look at it and it was real long and silver. It looked like it had several possibly square windows
down the middle of it. It had dim lights on the top. It went slowly west till I could'nt see it anymore.
{UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World}