Subject: UFO Sighting Reports
Below is the result of your feedback form.
It was submitted by (
on Monday, June 2, 1997 at 13:37:27
name: David
location: Jacksonville
date: 1992
time: evening
sighting: It was during a lunar eclipse,while at my parents house.I was standing by the road looking at the
moon when allof a sudden something approached from the same direction.It was triangular shaped,low flying (about
150 to 200 ft. ),completly silent and dark except for three large eerie lights.These lights gave off an odd glow
like nothing I had ever seen before. At the time I was'nt looking for anything out of the ordinary.It was a total
suprise to me .At first I did'nt really think of it as a U.F.O. but all of a sudden the hair on the back of my
neck stood up and I noticed that there was no sound coming from the object. It's flight path was a straight course
as it headed out into a wooded area traveling at a slow rate of speed.I called the local airport to see if it could
have been a baloon or glider and was told that they are not allowed to operate at night. I honestly do'nt know
if this was a U.F.O. but my story is true! The object was traingular in shape solid and dark in color. I could
tell this as it passed between the stars above it.
{UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World}