Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 04:40:07 +0100 (BST)
From: unknown@unknown (unknown)
Name: Kerry
Location: Southwest Missouri
Date_of_Sighting: June 1997
Time_of_Sighting: 8:45pm
I am not quite sure where we were driving. My friend and I
had just visited the Lake of the Ozarks, and were winding our
way towards the Oklahoma border. It was dusk, and I happened
to look up in the sky. There was a glowing object that wasn't
moving. It was way too close to us to be a star. I asked my
friend what she thought it was, and she had no idea. We were
both dumbfounded. At about that time, we went around a curve
and lost sight of it for about 25 seconds. When we looked up,
the object was gone. I don't know exactly where we were at,
as we were visiting from North Dakota at the time.