To: From: Subject: Submitted UFO Sighting Report LOCATION : Lady Lake, FL, USA DATE-Sighting : 12-28-95 TIME-Sighting : 10:00 AM This is your Submitted Sighting Report : My father, daughter and I were going from Ocala Florida to Apopka Florida to visit my brother during the Christmas holidays. We were headed south on 441. I was sitting in passengers side of truck and looked up to left corner of the windshield and saw a strange aircraft. I leaned forward to get a better view. It was in the morning a quite a clear day. the craft was flying fairly low. It was oval shaped and was matalic looking. I remember the sun reflecting off of it. I told my dad to look but he was driving and said it must be a plane. I told him it's not a plane! Then the craft just vanished. Approx. 30 min. later it was in my view again. This time we came to a stop sign so my dad was able to bend his head to look up at it. He couldn't believe it?!? |
UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World