Sighting: 4 of uw were sitting around the pool on a clear sunny day. I noticed what looked like 3 pieces of shiny paper or foil blowing about maybe 300 feet in the air, it looked just like flying paper floating around Candlestick Park during baseball or football games. Then the 3 foils were glittering with bright, intermittant light. On and off. Then i realized the things were not planes, choppers or normal aircraft. I told the 3 others (two teens with perfect eyesight) to check it out. They were also fascinated and saw one of the three move very quickly from the east to the south in a straight line. I am a private pilot and my guess of the speed at such a distance would be near 3000 MPH. All this took about 3 minutes so far. By this time we all thought they were about 20-30 miles high, still shining intermittently. the remaining two fluttered back and forth pretty close together for another 4-5 minutes. One of them faded away; then i noticed the one that took off to the south was hovering on the horizon still. All of us commented about the sensation of seeing many spots in out own eyes, the same as when the optometrist shines his bright flasglight in your eyes and you end up seeing spots which are your retinas!! Then the last sparkling, fluttering light faded away. The light was always white. Total time was about 10 minutes. We are now belivers that there IS something around us that defies our senses... please write if you saw something |