To: From: Subject: Submitted UFO Sighting Report LOCATION : Levittown, PA U.S.A. DATE-Sighting : March 18, 1997 TIME-Sighting : 4:08 AM This is your Submitted Sighting Report : I don't know if this is really a UFO sighting or a natural phenomenon I can't explain. As an amateur astronomer I had my scope out in the early morning hours to look at Hale-Bopp. I really didn't need my scope, it was so huge. Suddenly, I observed a flare which glowed orange right off of the comet. The glow stayed for a few seconds then seemed to disappear or maybe burn out. Since, I know so many people were observing the comet during this time, when it occurred I tried calling one of the comet message telephone numbers in the "Astronomy Magazine" to ask if anyone else saw it, and to explain what it was. No one ever responded to my question after I left the message. I was wondering if anyone out there, saw it too, or could at least explain what I saw. The flare seemed to come out of the side of the comet, opposite to its tale, and it was as big as the comet itself. (I'm not in any cults like "Heaven's gate", I am a Professional Nurse. It was also much slower than a usual meteor, and it really didn't extend out too much further than a few comet lengths. |
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