To: From: Subject: Submitted UFO Sighting Report LOCATION : lucerne valley Ca. DATE-Sighting : oct.1992 TIME-Sighting : 1:30am This is your Submitted Sighting Report : We were on a caming trip and were cooking a snack when we saw this huge top shaped glowing ufo land a few hundred feet from where we were camping.We were very frightened because it made no noise and landed where we could clearly see it. For some reason we covered our heads and fell asleep even though we were not sleepy and were in the middle of cooking a snack.when we awoke 3 hrs later it was gone.i don't really remember anything but since then have a fear of any dental work and when i have work done now i hyperventilate and my heart races.freaky.Wish i would of had my camcorder with me. i as a rule tell no one of this incident.but i know what i saw. |
UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World