Subject: fishing trip july 2 , 1998 Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 16:05:55 EDT From: To: on the morning of july 2,1998 i witness an orange light in the sky flying in a stange manner. i was on a fishing trip at bluewater lake just west of grants. at about 0420i was facing a sse direction . i noticed a orange light fall directly down out of the sky and stop just above the ridge line. it was still a good distance away at the time it appered about the size of a dime on the ceiling. at first i was thinking it might be a meteor. and just went on fishing. about 5-10 min later i just looked up to the s and i saw the same orange light. but it was about the size of a quarter now and there was no sound. it travelled in a northely direction. at this time it appered to be east of the lake. i watched it move across the sky with a for a few about 15seconds. i then ran about 5 yrds to my pick-up woke my 9 yr old son to take a look at this . i when i got him to look up in the northern sky where the light should have been . it wasnt there it was back in the southern sky at about the same position i had seen it trhe first time. my son and i watched it move to the north where it didn't fly to the horizon it was just gone. my son and i were so excited that he then got up and we just looked at the sky. and there it was almost directly above us slightly to the north .again about the size of a quarteron your living room ceiling and it moved to the south. there was still no sound and no flashing collision light as there would be on an airplane. ben my son then asked could it be a satilite . it then moved under a cloud bank and over the next. and then it just disappeared south of the lake. well of course we looked back to the north and there it was again. it moved the same direction and same speed and this time it travelled in a long semicircle to the sse. except for the first time i noticed it , it flew in a strait line then ever few seconds it would appear to "zig-zag". it wasn't a big change just enough to see it from where we were standing. the sun came up shortly after that and we spent a great day fishing catching huge catfish all day. conditions were , no moon it was out during the day . partly cloudy sky mainly far to the south and a very clear sky . the stars were out in full force once the moon set. i asked a few othe people at the lake who said they were up and no one else saw these lights. this is the second time i have seen a light fly in this zig-zag pattern i had seen one in the early 90' camping in the jemaz, but this was a blueish white color that ocassion. thanks for your time mark albq. n.m. |