To: From: Subject: Submitted UFO Sighting Report LOCATION : minden, Louisiana DATE-Sighting : 1962 TIME-Sighting : 3 P.M. This is your Submitted Sighting Report : It has been 36 years. I am now a 50 year-old professional, who has been carrying this item around for decades. I told a friend about it in 1966...he remembers the story. Here goes: It was a sunny afternoon as I was returning home, driving up a long hill to my house. Suddenly from out of the north came an object traveling so fast I could not discern what it was. I was driving up a street lined with houses. I quickly took a turn left (north) and went to the top of the hill and there it was, a brownish red oval structure hovering above a house about 40 feet above the house. It had been there I guess 30 seconds or so. What I then saw was three cars parked on the street below the saucer. There were 3 people who got into the cars and quickly drove off. About 10 seconds later the saucer INSTANTLY disappeared into the horizon, without a sound. I mean it went from being 75 yards in front of me to outof sight! In less than a second. NO sound. Did the people get out of the saucer and into the cars? I don't know if those who got into the cars were from the saucer or not, but they drove off in regular looking autos. The saucer was almost as big as the house and appeared to have windows around the craft. I have told only 6-7 people about this in the past 35 years. Why I did not do anything about it at the time I do not know, except that it reminds me of the two women who saw something similar and they did not remember it until weeks/months later. It did happen. |
UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World