Subject: UFO Sighting Reports
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on Friday, January 10, 1997 at 17:41:55
Subject: UFO Sighting Reports
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It was submitted by (
on Friday, January 10, 1997 at 17:41:55
name: Tilly Norman
location: Ryolite, Nevada. Near Death Valley
date: 1/4/97
time: 10:35PM

sighting: 6 of us camping saw a square shaped light directly overhead. No noise, even when it approached to within what seemed like 200-300 overhead. Our hair did stand up on end. The color of the object went from blue to red. It looked to be about 50-60 feet across although I can't be sure of that because of the intense light. We got some Hi-8 video of it as well as several photgraphs on ASA400 ektachome. The video is much better than the photographs.
{UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World}