From: "musictrader" To: Subject: ufo sightings in N.E. Pa Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2000 21:42:12 -0500 Organization: Prodigy Internet For several months people ha been seeing a very bright red sphere in our area-though few seem to want to talk about it. It will hover and move about with no sound. About an hour after dark one night, my son pointed it out to me. I don't know why I didn't see it myself . It was bright enough. It simply turns on then seems to disappear. My sighting was different. I turned a one million candle power spotlight on it. The light went out,but my beam clearly picked up a multiangular structure with an appendage hanging down from the front. The object slowly flew behind a hill. Radar staff at the airport denied seeing anything on their screens. What is it ? Subject: UFOSNMW REPORT FORM Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2000 19:32:55 +0000 From: unknown@unknown (unknown) To: Name :Mike Location: N.E. PA near Scranton Date_of_Sighting: 1997-1999 Time_of_Sighting: after dark Sighting: many people in my area have seen a large bright red sphere in my area but few want to talk about it. in the fall of 1999 about 9 pm my son pointed out the thing to me. This bright sphere can hover, fly at many rates of speed, turns on and off at any time. I turned my one million candle power spotlight on it and the red light went out. my sighting is different in that the beam of the spotlight showed that the thing was still there. We watched the multiangled structure slowly fly behind a hill. It seemed to be about 200 ft in length with an appendage extending down from the front. Radar operators at the local airport denied seeing the object on their screens even tho part of the object's flight was in their viewing area. I saw another report in your collection very much like this. What is it? The light from it is so intense that a person might think that the object simply disappeared when it's light is turned out. By the time this sighting was over, many other people had gathered to see the object. we all agreed in wha we saw. |