To: From: () Subject: UFO Sighting Reports Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by () on Sunday, March 22, 1998 at 11:28:26 location: renton wa. date: 1994 time: 5:00 am sighting: I was driving to work in the dark in winter down the Benson Hwy. going north in the Cascade Vista area. I had my window down partially and out of the corner of my eye I saw what at first I thought was an airliner going down into the valley in the same general direction I was heading so I had a pretty good look at it. This falling object was round and geenish blue in color and falling at aproximently 100 mph,it had an aura around it almost like flame licking off of it but very short. It fell until out of my sight heading the same general direction of my work place and when I got to work I asked people at work if they had seen this or heard about it. To my suprise no one had heard or seen anything. I listened to the radio all day and only heard a few remarks from DJ's about any body seeing this thing so eventually I just kind of accepted the explenation that it was meteorite falling. A year and a half later there was a simular sighting on Hwy. 90 around North Bend and the media made a big deal out of it. As I'm writing this I remember that when I first saw it it was heading in the same general dir. I was and when it it finally disappeared I was looking at its tailend and Benson Hwy. goes in a straight line in this area so it would seem that my object actually changed direction and it was falling way to slow for a meteor. I can't swear that this thing appeared to be in control by but this was falling way to slow, it changed direction and finally disappeared, whether it just disappeared or it traveled so far that it finally left my sight I'm not sure because I was doing 45 MPH and and trying to look at it and not kill myself in the process with the traffic and all. |
{UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World}