To: From: Subject: Submitted UFO Sighting Report LOCATION : Markham, Ontario, Canada DATE-Sighting : 042998 TIME-Sighting : 11:00 PM This is your Submitted Sighting Report : As I was driving Westward towards my home, I saw something bright in the sky, sort of hovering, about 5km away. At first I thought maybe I should analyze it to make sure it wasn't a plane. But, after some careful observation, I saw it was slowly descending and heading north. I accelerated my car and entered my neighborhood, where I lost sight of it shortly because the object went behind the trees. I raced to the end of my street, and entered another one, where I caught site of the object once more. It seemed to hover in its place. It was still quite far away, but it distinctly looked like Saturn: a ball like middle with a ring around it. It had 4 flashing lights on it. It makes me think it was a plane, but I don't know of any planes that seem to hover in place. I went home, got my dad to come with me to investigate but, by the time we went back to my last place, the object was gone. I hope someone else saw this too. |
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