Date: Mon, 10 Jan 00 09:51AM MST From: Ken To: Subject: alien sightings Date of Sighting: early winter 1994 Location: near cleveland ohio Sighting: it was late ou t. id have to say 11:15- 1200. i went out near my barn to check up on my rabbit since it just had a litter of bunnies. i live in the country so it was totally dark out the moon was full. i could see everything in the sky i looked up west and saw what i thought to be an aircraft. all of a sudden in a blink of an eye the aircraft made a right angle turn i couldnt believe it! i know that aircrafts cant make a 90 degree turn like that. as the craft got near i could see it easier it hoovered abovew me for 2-3 minutes i was stunned in frightmentment and couriosity it hoovered low to me . id have to say at the height of a water tower i could make out exactly what it looked like it was in the shape of a saucer but in the back of it was a huga metalic looking rooster tail like thing the saucer was all metalic looking the tail too it had many different colored lights to it;green blue red orange purple and many other colors. it just hoovered over me silently then just like that it was gone i ran inside afterwards and i was tremendously scared . my mom knew something was wrong but she didnt believe me when i told her |