To: From: () Subject: UFO Sighting Reports Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by () on Tuesday, March 17, 1998 at 23:29:13 location: Harrow,North London, England date: 16 March 1998 time: 22:00 sighting: I do not wish to submit my name with this form because it could cause proffessional enbarresment to name names. I do not mind being quoted as long as it is clear I do not wish to have to answer any enquiries because I have already had enough trouble convincing my commanding officers. I am a sgt in the Royal Marine Corps in England , we were in the area due to an unconnected reason which I can not relese imformation about due to national security, all I can tell you is that we have been ordered to investigate a number of alien sightings and to be economic with the truth when asked by press or members of the general public. We were informed that a man was making coded radio signals to aliens out of the Earth, we natraully thought this was a joke and would have refused to take it if it were not a choice between it or pealing potatoes as a punishment, to our suprise the aligations were true, the mans name is Pat and I can not tell you the second name, he uses materials from work to communicate with the aliens, We burst through the door as we were about to take him to the nut house but stopped when he offered us a chance to speak with the aliens. We accepted as a joke more than anything other. >From the conversation I personally had with Phereple who seamed to be a leader from a planet like arrangment asa he described it. We spoke and I tried to reason with this THING and got very gerbled abuse. >From our convisations I discovered that there is to be an alien invasion on Jan 1st 2001, this would not have prompted me to believe these signals but when I spoke to the Major about these messages, he told me he knew and if I oppenned my mouth I could be floating down the river Themes, I do not agree with the actions of the major and it is my firm hope that you will spread the word not to trust Officers where UFO's are involved, I can not understand why the Major might wish to hide this but I heard Tony later that night warning him that if any of this got out he would be in the "shit big time" and that it proberbl was not true. Thanks for listening and I hope you will spread the word. Sgt. X |
{UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World}