UFO- Sightings Data Base No. #9
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Sightings from Martin in Reading, U.K- 1996
Sightings from Richard in Washington- 9/19/00
Sightings from Blake in Cedar Crest,New Mexico- Sept.17, 2000
Sightings from varies people 20 total(reported in Nov/Dec-00)
Sightings from varies people 5 total(reported in late DEC-00)
Sighting from Mac in Northern New Mexico- November 1998
Sighting from James (Buddy)by New Orleans,LA.- mid oct.1978
Sighting from Miss Molly in England- 26th December-2000
Sighting from Harry Las Vegas Nevada- 1-2-2001
(15) Sightings from Feb-Mar 2001
Sighting from Victor in Los Lunas NM- 2/10/2001
Sighting(2)Norman / Priscilla Jamaica,WI./Miami,FL.- 3/18/01
Sighting from Greg in High Rolls, NM- March 30, 2001
Sightings(3)from Kristen, D.C. LEWIS, unknown
Unusual observations from Glitz in the SE New Mexico area
Several UFO Sightings from Mary in Penn and NY
Sighting from Mary
Sighting from Jose in Stockholm Sweden June 1978
Sighting from Al in Main Street Binghamton Price Chopper Plaza
Sighting from Mike in West Beckham,Norfolk,England-Sat 23rd Sep 00
Sighting from Nancy in Medford Oregon- 6/5/01
(5)UFO Sightings Josh/JR/Kim/Shania/Doug
Sighting from David in Great Yarmouth,Norfolk,England- May19th 01
(2)Sightings from 'Withheld' New Mexico/Buhl,Idaho
Sighting from Cleo in England,the South Downs- 21/5/79
(5)Sightings from Australia(2)/Maine,USA/Argentina/Chama NM
(2)Sightings from Bill-Germany/Mark-Coconut Creek,Florida
(2)Sightings from Brenton-Edgewood,MD/NART-Hampton,Virginia
Numerous Sightings and unknown documentation...
Numerous Sightings sent to UFOSNMW 1st quarter 2002
4 Sighings posted Jan 2003
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