Subject: UFO Sighting Reports
Below is the result of your feedback form.
It was submitted by (
on Saturday, May 31, 1997 at 10:17:03
name: Jane Derry
location: Santa Fe, NM
date: 1958 July ?
time: 9:00 pm
sighting: I was out walking with my mom, we were visiting The Bishop's Lodge, near Santa Fe. It was a clear
night, nice and warm, a cool breeze. Beautiful, calm night. I looked up at the stars, amazed that they could be
so bright and clear. Where we live in Illinois, in the city, the stars were never that bright. I loved New Mexico
for that. Anyhow, while I was looking up, I saw a star that was brighter than the rest, and it was moving. At first
it was moving very slowly, just enough that I knew it wasn't a star. So I pointed it out to my mom. She said that
it was probably Telstar, a satelite. No sooner did she say that, but the star moved in a different direction. It
was like they were hearing what we were saying about them! I laughed and told her, and she said it was my imagination.
I was just 7 then, just a kid. But really! I can tell when something is moving in a different direction! It doesn't
take a brain surgeon to see that! So I told her to look at it again, and she avoided that and headed back to her
bedroom, more or less dragging me along with her. I had to wonder at her change in attitude! Moments ago we were
calm and enjoying the night, and then she wants to go to bed? Even then, to a kid, that seemed odd to me. When
we got to the bedroom, I went to the window to look out, and it was still there, only lower in the sky, moving
toward Santa Fe slowly. It was brighter than the stars. It was pretty! I felt no fear. Just fascination.
Subject: UFO Sighting Reports
Below is the result of your feedback form.
It was submitted by (
on Saturday, May 31, 1997 at 10:32:21
name: Jane Derry
location: Mountain Home, Idaho
date: 1986, July
time: 3 -4 am
sighting: I was sleeping in a trailer court in Mountain Home, on the couch in the front room. We didn't have
a bed for me or the kids, we'd just moved in, hadn't gotten settled yet. So they were sleeping on the floor in
their respective bedrooms. From where I was, I had a good view of the hallway that led to their bedrooms. Matt
and Jesse were sleeping in one room, and Ben and Sheena were sharing another. I had the livingroom. At about 3
or 4, I'm not sure, I woke up, and for some reason was drawn to look down the hallway toward the bedrooms. Don't
know why, just had to. In the hallway, standing by Jesse and Matt's room was a person. I could see through this
person. But it wasn't a ghost. Don't know how I know that either. This person glowed. And he didn't look like he
was from Earth. He wore a one piece silvery outfit, and his hair was long, past his shoulders, and loose. I thought
to him, "What do you want?" and he turned and looked at me, very calmly. He didn't say a word, but I
think he smiled at me. He looked back down at Jesse, and stood there a moment longer, then he turned to look at
me again. I repeated my question, "What do you want?" silently, telepathically. He looked at me again,
and then just disappeared. He didn't mean to startle me. He didn't say that, but I felt it clearly. I went back
to sleep. The next day I asked Cindy, my friend, if there were a lot of sightings in the area. Don't know why I
asked her, we'd never talked about it before. She said yes, because of the Air Force Base, near by, Mountain Home
AFB. Her husband had seen a few since they had moved there. She asked me why, so I told her. And she said that
sounded very familiar, but she didn't want to go into the details, because it concerned her relatives. She didn't
want to say anything without their permission. She did say, however, that if it was one of the glowing, human looking
ones, that I had nothing to fear. They wouldn't hurt me. I couldn't get past the thought that somehow I knew this
person who'd visited us. Never did figure out how! But I didn't feel that he was there to bother us either.
Subject: UFO Sighting Reports
Below is the result of your feedback form.
It was submitted by (
on Saturday, May 31, 1997 at 10:53:40
name: Jane Derry
location: Galesburg, Illinois, USA
date: 1955 springtime
time: 2 am?
sighting: I don't remember how this started. All I know is that in the middle of the night, I was floating out
my bedroom window, (through it), and up to the treetops. I heard in my head that I was safe, not to worry. But
I shouldn't look down. However, looking down was interesting, I hadn't seen our house from that view, and it fascinated
me. What upset me was when I looked up and saw a huge ship up above me. At the time I didn't know what it was.
It was a disc, but I only saw the underside. It got closer and closer, and I knew that this was where I was going.
Then I realised that I was sitting in a chair, because I was gripping the arms in fear. Again they told me, in
my head, in a soft voice that I would be fine, to 'relax, relax, relax...' A moment later I was sleeping, out cold.
Didn't recall coming back into my bedroom, but I woke up on my back (I never sleep on my back) on my bed, and I
was naked. My nite clothes were laying beside me on the bed, and I put them on, got under the covers and went to
sleep. As I think on that now, it doesn't seem like a logical thing to do. But at the time it seemed totally logical.
I slept like a log, not waking up until nearly lunch time. It was a Saturday, so there was no problem with that.
Later on I had a dream about seeing, as I was floating up to the ship, a person looking out the upstairs attic
window, and that person looked like the devil. To my child's mind, I thought it was, but it didn't look like that.
Just remember the eyes. They weren't like any I'd seen before, and they made me nervous. The person saw me looking
at him, and he laughed at me. I remember thinking that I didn't want him to hurt my Grandpa, who then lived up
in our attic. Then I had the feeling that they wouldn't. I didn't have to worry about that. I had this dream for
years, not understanding why it kept coming back. And I've had continual dreams of me flying, in different places.
Well, I guess it is called floating, because I didn't have wings. Levitation? I've lived in a lot of places, and
no matter where I go, these things happen to me.
Subject: UFO Sighting Reports
Below is the result of your feedback form.
It was submitted by (
on Saturday, May 31, 1997 at 11:15:10
name: Jane Derry
location: Galesburg, Illinois, USA
date: 1992 February (right after Valentine's Day)
time: 9 pm to12 pm
sighting: I was real sick, coughing and blowing my nose, generally feeling really bad. Had been sick for two
weeks like this, bronchitis, I guess. Was taking medicine, it made me woosey. I was worn out from coughing so hard,
spitting stuff up to get it out of me. I was wondering if a person could die from it, that is how depressed I was.
As I was laying on the bed, trying to rest, I had the feeling that there was more light in the room, and opened
my eyes to see a 'projection' up on the white ceiling. I looked at it closer, and it looked like a picture of crochetting.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Then I heard in my head a man telling me this was my Valentime present! As
I looked up at the crochetting, I realised soon that wherever I looked, the crochetting would move so that I could
see more of it. There was like a spark of light that I could guide through the fabric of this fine work, and I
could see roses, and leaves, and webbing for a background. It seemed like there was miles of this! And while I
stared up at the ceiling at this, I felt like I was getting Healed. I wasn't coughing, in fact I found myself laughing
and crying, it was so beautiful!!! It was utterly fascinating! I asked the kids if they could see it, and they
said yes. I looked around the room to find out where it was being projected from, but couldn't find anything that
would do this. The whole ceiling was gorgeous!! Then I got up and put my coat on, wanting to go outside and see
the ship. I went out front, and sure enough, there was a huge triangle shaped starship, parked at treetop level
over my house! I told the kids to come out and look at it, and they saw it also! Ben, Matt, and Jesse. Sheena was
gone somewhere, on a date. It was cold out, but I wasn't at all cold! I could see people moving around in the underside
windows. And I thought I saw little grays (I like them) floating down to my roof of my house. So I went back into
the house in a few minutes, to see if my present was still on the ceiling. It was! I laid down again and watched
it for a while longer, and then went out again to look up at the ship. It was still there. It stayed there for
over three hours, I wasn't watching the clock, but it was about 12:25 pm when it left. But how it left was odd!
As Matt and I were watching it, it faded out. It didn't move away, it just disappeared!!! For a while I could see
stars through it! It was the oddest thing! Then it reappeared again, as though to prove that it could, and it faded
out again. I stared at the sky for a while longer, but now I was getting cold, so I had to get back into the house.
When I went in to look at the ceiling again, the projection was finally gone. I lay down anyhow, wondering at all
that had happened. The kids finally settled down and went to sleep. And that was it. We hardly ever talked about
it after that night. But they knew that it happened. What sticks in my mind about this is that my neighbors didn't
see or hear a thing! They never came out, or drove by, during this whole episode! They never asked why we were
all looking up over the house for over three hours. To them it was like nothing had happened. I never asked if
they saw anything. Didn't want them to think I was nuts. It was like they were put out of commission while this
was going on. Like the show was meant for only us. And what a show it was. The whole three hours I didn't cough
a bit, didn't have to blow my nose, didn't have runny eyes, (cept when I was crying in happiness!) and didn't feel
totally exhausted and sore from coughing. I felt great, in fact. And after that night, my cold was a lot better,
and went away in a day. I was able to sleep, and dried up in record time! I could breath!!!!
Some present!
Subject: UFO Sighting Reports
Below is the result of your feedback form.
It was submitted by (
on Saturday, May 31, 1997 at 11:31:14
name: Jane Derry
location: DeFuniak Springs, Florida, USA (not far from Gulf Breeze)
date: 1983 May 24
time: 3:45 am
sighting: We had just moved into our house in January, on White Street, and I was still getting use to the place.
Florida was a lot different than Illinois. We had an alligator in the town square the week we moved in!! Very different!
Anyhow, when I finally met a person in my church, the Mormons, I was thrilled that she knew about UFOs and psychic
powers and such. Because I was a beginner in all of that. I had tons of questions to ask Phyllis. And she seemed
to have a lot of the answers, and just as many questions! We hit it off right away! She told me that it was possible
to contact people telepathically, and that I aught to try it that night. She told me how to do it, and I tried
it. And BAM, it happened. I was contacted by a man, Jaraketh, right off. It was like I tuned into him, and when
I spoke to him, he was startled. But it felt good, so I kept on talking to him. I found out he wasn't on Earth.
We talked for quite a while, and we hit if off trememdously, it was like I'd known him all my life! I wrote down
a lot of what happened then, in a journal, it was so fascinating to me. But he was playing with me. I found out
years later that he was my soulmate. A starship captain, from Berswaine, far away. He chose that way to talk to
me, so I wouldn't be frightened off. Over the years, since then, he has been helping me to remember who I am, where
I came from. He's one of the Nordic aliens, tall, blonde hair, big blue eyes, muscular, very handsome. Gorgeous!
That year was my wake up call. I found out that I'd been contacted all my life, and why. I found out that I'm incarnated
here, but I'm not from here. Originally I'm from the Pleiadian system. I'm an Earthean Eagle, a volunteer here
to assist in the evacuation process before the pole shift. He guided me to Tuella's books, and I KNEW who I was.
Then my Guardian Angel told me my real name, Tianca, and what it means. MAJOR wake up call for me. All this has
really changed my life. Now I know why I've always been different, why I didn't feel like I really belonged here.
Why I've had contacts all my life!
{UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World}