Date: 1/14/98
Time: Approx. 2200 hrs.
Location: Artesia, New Mexico
Weather: Clear, dry approx. 40F
Name: Tito
On Wednesday January 14,1998 at approximatly 2200 hrs.
I was approached by a very excited co-worker. He just
came in from the outside. He stated to me he had just
seen something very weird. I questioned him about
exactly what he had observed. He said he happened to
look up at the almost full moon. He observed three ,
what looked like lines passing in front of the moon.
He stated they were at equal distance from each other.
He observed them move somewhat slowly across the moon.
He told me that at one point they streched from one
edge of the moon to the opposite edge. As soon as
these 'lines' cleared from in front of the moon he lost
track of them. These 'lines' had no visible light, just
dark solid objects. He also drew me a sketch of what he