Subject: UFO Sighting Reports Below is the result of your feedback form.
It was submitted by ()
on Thursday, December 19, 1996 at 16:37:23
name: Trina
location: Grassland, Texas
date: fall 1975
time: 8:oop.m.
sighting: I was about 16 yrs. old, when five of our freinds went cruising the cotton fields, running the back roads.
When we saw a great orange light in the sky ahead of us. It looked like it was landing so we decided to chase it
down. It looked about the size of a silver dollar about two miles ahead of us just above the tree line heading
downwards. The light disappeared into a parcel of uncleared land and we couldn't see anything because of the mesquite
trees. We circle the area several times and at one spot the radio would mess-up and the lights would dim on the
car. Then everyone started to feel like we were being watched and we all got scared and left.
{UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World}