Name: Patrick Location: Yucaipa CA Date_of_Sighting: March, 1997 Time_of_Sighting: 8:45pm Sighting: On our return home me and my wife noticed a glowing object that resembled a comet. The object was traveling in a north direction and appeared to be traveling at ruffly 15mph passing us as we turned onto 12th street we immediatly looked at each other and could not belive what we were seeing. Its height above the ground was approxametly 40' the structure was egg shaped and the most stricking thing about this object is the way that it was illuminated. A glowing orange colored light would slowly illuminate the very bottom of the egg shape and travel upward consuming the entire stucture then the light would slowly reseed back to the bottom of the structure makeing the craft invisible. This prosess was repeated at almost a life like heart rate speed.As we were driving paralell with this object it seamed to slow down so that we could catch up to it. We came within approxamatly 100' before the object increased its speed in the north direction sharply turning east following the hill side that runs parallel to Yucaipa blvd picking up incredible speed then turning sharply south and quickly dissappearing into the night. When I talk speed I mean this thing excelerated and reached approxamitly 100mph within 1/2 second almost as if there were no forces like wind resistance, friction, gravity etc. One thing that still buges me to this day is that the entire object seemed to be alive. It made no sounds and appeared to have a vainy /hexigonal type frame. |