To: From: () Subject: UFO Sighting Reports Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by () on Sunday, December 21, 1997 at 13:27:07 location: Alamogordo NM date: Continuing time: 12:00am - 4:00am sighting: I have lived in Alamogordo for 23yrs. For the past 5 I have become very interested in what the military does around here. 5yrs ago I was coming back from Alb. with some friends. We were between The Oscuro Artillery Range and Carizozo when we noticed some strange lights on top of the San Andres mountains. Which is nothing unusual around here late at night. We all were seeing 2 large white lights circling around each other, emitting a purple flash into the sky and shooting some kind of beam into the Basin This seemed interesting so we stopped to get a better look. None of us were in total amazement however just curious, we all knew that the military is always blowing the crap out of those mountains. When we pulled over and got out there was a large amount of gun fire and explosions coming from the basin. From were we were you can not see down into it so we walked out into the Missile Range a little ways. When we got there we saw approx. 50 artillery guns and missile launchers of some sort shooting at the lights on top of the mountain. The thing that really caught our attention was the lights were shooting back. They would circle around each other, back behind the mountain then pop back up and shoot down at the guns and launchers with some sort of "laser beam" as near as I can explain. Approx. 10min. after watching this another ball of light came from the east and joined the others. It approached with the speed of a falling star, in fact it looked almost identical only it stopped. 5 minutes after that another came from the south and did the same. 10 minutes later 2 helicopters with no lights on buzzed us and we hurried out of there. As interesting as all this was we did not want to get caught trespassing and watching something we weren't supposed to see. Since then I have been going into the desert late at night and early in the morning. I go with a friend and sit as close as possible to the WSMR fence and watch I have taken pictures and seen many things that as far as I know can not be accomplished with the technology that our military claims to have. I have talked to allot of people who live around or work on the range. I have heard things that are very hard to believe but when you hear the same things over and over from people who have never met you start to wonder. If you don't believe go and sit in the desert around the WSMR some night until sunrise and I promise you will see some amazing things. I am writing this because I believe the government should come out and tell the public what is going on. I know they have to have some security, but the things I have heard and seen have nothing to do with there security, but the publics and they need to tell us whats really going on. Maybe we wont freak out as they suspect but maybe we will. I think we have the right to make that choice for ourselves. |