To:,, From: Subject: Submitted UFO Sighting Report LOCATION : Yarnell Arizona DATE-Sighting : 1994-1997 TIME-Sighting : Pm-Am This is your Submitted Sighting Report : Iwould go out and watch the skies at night. I would see stars that would move accross the sky. Some nights I would see an etheric ship come out of one door into another accross the back of the town. I saw a light sitting still and it would make sure that I was watching the light. Then it would have six beams of light that would come out of it and then move into the beams of light. And disappear into the night.I saw some ships skim accross the sky like a flat stone on water. Some times they wouldnt fly they would just set in the sky and put out a very quick light and I would look through my binocculars and find them moving between star clusters.I saw one ship move very slowly accross peoples vally and head towards Crown King. It had low lighting of multipule colors. One thing is for sure They wanted me to know that they were there. Once I was sitting out and was looking to the north and saw a dome of fire rise off the side of a mountain. You could see some activity just before that and then the dome of fire.I saw alot of activity up in Yarnell while I was there. My e-mail address is |
UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World