Subject: UFOSNMW REPORT FORM Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 21:05:51 +0000 From: unknown@unknown (unknown) To: Name: Susan Pesek Location: Birmingham,Alabama Date_of_Sighting: Summer, 1968 Time_of_Sighting: Evening Sighting: As if it were yesterday ,I very distinctly remember what happened in the yard of a horse farm of a sorority friend , while attending a large sleep-over initiation into my high school sorority. Several girls were at the poolhouse, where we were all to sleep, and several of us were outside , in the huge front yard , with her horses. The sky was well lit...not a full moon, but close to one in lighting power! I was aside a large tree , approximately 50 feet tall, and saw very bright lights directly above the tree,on the bottom of what appeared to be a round saucer-type , aluminum-looking object.I heard no noise whatsoever, but very clearly , we all saw the object, wider than the treetop, and very near it.I remember at the time reporting it to the police as 100 feet wide.The lights were reminiscent of traffic lights , to me , so I am imagining they were green, red, yellow, and, I think, blue....vibrant colors. This was not a hazy view by any stretch of the imagination. We distictly saw the entire bottomside of the craft for many minutes...I don't recall whether or not the lights moved , yet I remember they had some sort of "life "to them, so perhaps they twinkled a tad. I am not sure of that . There was no window observed, or any movement within or without ,relative to us. In a split second , it was gone. It whizzed away so fast , that although we could track it with our eyes, it was completely up and disappeared within 1 second after the initial movement upwards. All of us ran to the "big house" , contacted the parents, called the police (who later took a report that now they have no record of), who told us to call the weather bureau, who told us it was a weather balloon, who told us to call the U.S. Navy, who told us it was a satellite, who had us call the F.B.I. , who never even responded back. It was an extremely frustrating experience, and to this day , we still are in wonder of it. I am absolutely sure of what we saw, yet I remain sceptical of all other reports.Why?Is it the human way ? I wish I knew what to do with this knowledge.For years, I had nightmares about being"captured"; now I am not at all open to reporting this experience to anyone other than a few family members. Who, in their right mind, could believe such?And yet it happened. Anyone with a similar story may email me, however , I am not in the market to converse with paranormals. |