Subject: UFOSNMW REPORT FORM Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1999 02:06:07 GMT From: unknown@unknown (unknown) To: Name: Penny Location: Missouri (Kansas City suburbs) Date_of_Sighting: 1964 or 1965 Time_of_Sighting: approx. 4:30 pm Sighting: I was 11 or 12 years old and it was summer. A friend and I were playing in my backyard. She and I both heard a very distinctive low pitched hum coming from the eastern sky. We ran to the fence at the side of the house to try to find where the sound originated. We stood looking over the fence for a minute or two and began to glimpse a huge, bright ball of light. We cold see it peeking through the trees as it came up higher on the horizon. It was travelling South to North and staying low. As it came up where we could see it over the trees, we started to get scared. We jumped the fence and ran into the front yard to get a better look. The ball of light varied from a brilliant orangesh/red to yellowish/orange. It was actually a ball shape..but kind of "pulsated" in brightness. The humming noise became louder as we ran across the street to my friend's get her mother. We ran into the house yelling and she hurried out her back door with us in tow. She froze when she saw the object. She stared at us and listened to the humming getting louder and softer...kind of pulsating in sound as well. She made the comment, "That sure the hell is NOT an airplane." She called the police, and the local airforce base not far from where we lived. Both agencies stated, "no unusual reports" and dismissed our frantic questions. We will never know what that was, but the memory of it is as strong in me as if it had happened yesterday. |