To: From: Subject: Submitted UFO Sighting Report LOCATION : Altoona, Penna DATE : TIME : evening 10 pm This is your Submitted Sighting Report : Dear Agency, One time I was invited to the country for a dinner. A girl from high school invited me to go out with her and said she would pick me up. She was educated at school and I thought we had become friends. She showed up in an old Buik or Oldsmobile an antique it was Beige. When I got home she dropped me off at the corner of 2030 Eleventh Avenue. In Altoona, PA I noticed something in the sky I noticed it because my home was on a hill. As I climed to the back door I looked and ran inside. Left the lights out. It was hovering closer and I knew it was too large and was coming down, slowly. I went and looked out the bathroom window. I had no lights on and saw my Father coming up the walk with a flashlight he had. He was waving at it waving it down. By this time all my neighbors saw it and as they followd it up the toward Westfall Cememtary. My Father came back and said it vanished and they couldn't keep up with it and then it disappered in the clouds. |
UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World