To: From: Subject: Submitted UFO Sighting Report LOCATION : new albany, indiana DATE-Sighting : 4/26/98 TIME-Sighting : 9:00 pm This is your Submitted Sighting Report : group of five objects, silent with little movement. disk shaped, tiltled on it's side. observed red and green colored lights. there was a lot of cloud cover and impending rain, therefore i would lose sight of them periodically as the clouds passed. my 11 year old son witnessed them initially and then pointed them out to me. i had several family extended family members observe with binoculars from their homes and they also witnessed what we did. i contacted Louisville International Airport twice to see if the control tower had anything on radar, which they did not. they did however, confirm that there was no airliner or other air traffic noted at the times that we spoke. i continued to observe the objects for two hours until i retired for the evening. i am not a follower of this type of issue, yet found myself very disturbed by what i observed, as did my son. by posting this observation, i am anxious to see if anyone else in this region of the u.s. witnessed anything of this nature. |
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