Name: Graham Location: 169 longfield rd. Date_of_Sighting: december 18 1998 Time_of_Sighting: 11:48 Sighting: I was walking with my friend and i saw this thing in the sky and i showed my friend she looked up. Then it stoped and we watched it then a big flash of light shot out from the back of it and then it was gone.
Name: ken Location: blackburn, lancashire,england Date_of_Sighting: 1977, Time_of_Sighting: 8_10pm Sighting: waiting to pick my mum up from work,looking up seen a black disc,no lights ,very quiet whirring kind of sound,travel over head,about 60,sec later it was followed by R.A.F fighter same speed,ht.
Name: brandy Location: mass Date_of_Sighting: 2\18\99 Time_of_Sighting: 9:00 Sighting: as a teenager many pepol dont belive me or my two freind but where i live a field is right across the road and one night a U.F.O was above us it had to be it stopped in mid air and the color of the lights werenot a normal plane the lights were purple red blue and green now is that normal to see it made me belive how about you? |