Subject: UFO Sighting Reports
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on Wednesday, October 8, 1997 at 03:13:12
name: S. Binkley
location: Williams and Murphy Oregon
date: 1993-1997
time: P.M. and A.M.
sighting: 1993-Williams, OR: Object was saucer shape, aqua in color, with red light on bottom, port hole windows
with white light coming through them. Sighting witness by one other person. Time of sighting approximately 1:00
a.m. month of November.
1996-Murphy, OR: White round object appears from no where, moves to the right, and disappears. Sighting witness
by many, made local paper, and two of my neighbors witness it along with me.
1997-Murphy, OR: Orange/Red round object appears from no where, moves to the right, and disappears. Sighting witness
by my neighbor other then me.
1997-Murphy, OR: White object appears from no where, moves to the right, and disappears. Sighting witness by my
husband along with me.
I have had two other sightings in my life. Fountain Valley, California and Las Vegas, Nevada. Witnesses to both
these sighting also. If anyone else has had a sightings in the Southern Oregon area I would like to know.