Subject: UFOSNMW REPORT FORM Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 02:18:41 +0000 From: unknown@unknown (unknown) To: Name: Dave and Martha J. Location: Ontario Date_of_Sighting: Wed,May 24th,2000 Time_of_Sighting: approx.9:30 pm Sighting: Me,Dave,has had two sightings.In 1998 or 1999,I was having spending the night at my bud's house,outside in a tent in his backyard.We were chatting and I then opened the tent and stuck out my head grab some fresh air.I looked up in the sky,suddenly seeing a strange rectangular shape ringed with red or green lights.Smaller flashing white lights were zipping around it like bees buzzing around your face.I thought it was an optical illusion until I noticed more strange lights.I saw a oval,or kidney-shaped one,with red lights,and another shape sort of like two pie plates jammed together.On the bottom of it were glowing white lights,all rectangular.You would have to look real hard to see these,because they were small and zipping around at speeds no airplane could endure. A few years later,actually this very night,me and my sister, Martha,were enjoying ourselves outside on the deck of our house having some refreshing drinks while we began talking about UFOs.I explained to her that you can actually probably see them very often if you look hard enough,and watch for bright,or dim flickering lights that are white,red,or green, more bright and colourful then plane lights. Thus we began searching the night sky for UFOs.It wasn't too long before Martha caught sight of an extremely bright light moving very slowly through the sky,and around it was the outline of a circle.This was a type of UFO I had not spotted before,and I was almost hysterical.I then spotted the exact same buzzing,flickering lights I had seen in my other encounter with these objects moving very rapidly around the larger light.We kept watch on this for awhile,but then after we had gazed deeply into the sky following it's course,I spotted another one about to intercept the first object.It was smaller than the large,round light,but bigger than the tiny flickering ones,moving fairly fast across the night sky,flashing on and off.It appeared to be much more hard to follow,it was so fast,and kept dissapearing beneath the treeline,then popping up and doing zig-zags.By now my sister was thrilled,and before I could react to the new light I spotted yet another two.Yes,two.They were both fairly slow-moving and glowing red in the center,and were very large and shaped in a circle or sphere.At that moment, the first light we had spotted stopped dead in the air,then suddenly turned and started moving in the opposite direction,on an intercept course with all the other new lights.The small buzzing lights also turned. Soon after we went in,shocked,and searched for UFO descriptions on the internet that were similar,or identical to our own.After searching for a few minutes,we had already discovered some shocking imformation.You probably know about Travis Walton,that guy was abducted by aliens in 1975,and was found almost a week later at a gas station.One of the vivid paintings that he created with the help of artists,was a spaceship identical to the one of the ones that I had spotted in my firsty sighting,the round,chrome one with rectangular white lights ringed around it's side. After this we wrote this letter. Sincerely,Dave and Martha |