Subject: WWW Form Submission
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 1999 16:35:57 GMT
From: ()
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted
() on Saturday, March 6, 1999 at 16:35:57
Name: Lou
Location: Issaquah, WA (suburb of Seattle)
Date: Early November 1998
Time: around 6pm
Sighting: My wife and I were driving home when we saw a huge
object in the
sky in front of us - which seemed to be several miles ahead of
us. It was
heading east, parallel to the horizon. It had what looked light
material or fires in a horizontal pattern . It was huge, perhaps
stories tall. We only saw it for about 20 seconds and it flew
past our
line of sight over a hill. There also happened to be another
car in the
lane next to us. We asked them to stop to see if they saw it
too. They did.
We couldn't figure out what we saw. Later the evening news said
it was
space debris from a Russian satellite heading WEST to the Puget
Sound. What
we saw was flying parallel to the horizon, heading EAST and it
was huge.
The story put out by the media was not what we and the other
couple saw.