To: From: Subject: Submitted UFO Sighting Report LOCATION : Newport Beach, California, USA DATE-Sighting : October 4, 1975 TIME-Sighting : 4 to 5pm This is your Submitted Sighting Report : <<((o))>> Hello, My name is David. I read your story about witnessing a UFO..I live in Newport Beach, Calif. If you saw it from Fullerton or the Tustin area, then you know how close I was to it ! I had just pulled up in the alley of my freind's house.While I was getting out of my van, I heard the usual sound of our city's helicopter above.I glanced up because it was louder than normal. As I looked up , my eye caught a very small flash of what seemed to be a metallic object, far above the helicopter....As I stood there and watched,I thought that maybe it was part of an airplane because we live pretty close to John Wayne Airport. The object was sort of floating like a leaf,rather than plumetting. Now about a minute had passed and it was getting closer by the second. It was falling end over end, I could see it perfectly clearly. It was totally chrome, round, approx. 40ft. in diameter with a dome on the top.The dome appeared to be about 10ft. and was also chrome, like a mirror. As you said, it was a very nice clear day! It was directly over me and by now it was about a football feild above me at the most. I am not sure whether the police helicopter had been aware of its presence all along,or were they as supprised as I was....Suddenly, as it made one final roll....It stopped falling.... Even though I had been looking right at it, and it had done something that completely defied all known laws of least as far as my somewhat limited comprehension could fathom. The object just hung there right above me, silent and motionless. The police helicopter was circling it, with it's front bubble about 15-20ft away, with it's tail behind it, sort of like a dragonfly. If this UFO was making any sounds they would have been drowned out by the helicopter. Judging by the looks on the faces of the officers in the chopper..... they were every bit as shocked as I was......It just hung there for what seemed to be about 2-3 minutes then it started to move on an angle of about 20-30degrees, toward Long Beach, which would be in a North Westerly direction. It wasn't until just then that it started to dawn on me that what I had just seen...... couldn't have been any part of an airplane...and to this day, I have a somewhat different view of my existence, due to this experience...... I feel that people like you and myself are very fortunate to be aware of what most people would not be able to comprehend.... As you can see,I am not a writer, nor do I ever intend to be! So please excuse any improper use of grammar, punctuation, etc...Sorry if I tend to be .......just a little.......LONG-WINDED ! ! ! Thank you for taking the time to read this... If you are at all interested in this particular subject please feel free to email me and share some of your experiences, ask me some questions about what I've written or you can just tell me how crazy you think I am......... DOYA1TIME@AOL.COM |
UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World