To: Date: Sat, 21 Feb 1998 21:05:03 -0700 hi! i live in a small town in southern arizona and although u may not believe me, there are a large number of ufo sightings in the state and area. i think it may be because southern arizona and new mexico and northern mexico is literally the worlds largest electro-magnet because of all the copper in the ground. one of the most famous in the area is the huge sighting in Phoenix on March 13, 1997. i live about 150 miles south of Phoenix, but it was in the newspaper here. unfortunately, when i asked my family members (most of my family on my dads side lives in Phoenix), they had all said they werent looking in that direction at the time. you probably think none of this is of any importance, but im just trying to say that since so many sightings do happen here, you should have something for sightings in Arizona, and not just cali and nm. my brother does not believe in ufo's and teases and scolds me for believing, so, please, do not reply. i have added your page to my favorites, i will constantly check on it. Sincerely, A. Believer somewhere, Arizona |
{UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World}