To: From: Subject: Submitted UFO Sighting Report LOCATION : Polson, MT DATE-Sighting : 4-20-98 TIME-Sighting : 11:45 PM This is your Submitted Sighting Report : Cody Repnak While walking home from work one night, it was pitch black outside. I was walking next to the Flathead Lake, it was clear skys out and the moon was shining so it was bright outside. Across to the other side of the Lake I could see an object about 50 feet above the water with bright lights flashing around it. I know it wasn't a plane or helicoptor because I know what they sound like, and it wasn't moving, it was just bobbing up and down, and then it just took off into the sky really fast. I was so scared I ran home. To: From: Subject: Submitted UFO Sighting Report LOCATION : Polson, MT DATE-Sighting : 4-20-98 TIME-Sighting : 12:10 a.m. This is your Submitted Sighting Report : Mike Marshall I haven't really believed in ufo's or aliens but this changed my mind. I often go camping but I usually don't end up seeing ufo's. At a lake I went to there was a large shadow over the lake. The moon was out and full so I could see the light on the lake, except for the area covered by the shadow. I looked up to see the shadow and there was a large triangular shaped object just hovering there. The only feature I could realy remember was the large circular area towards the center of the bottom. This area had a large symbol on it that I couldn't make out. I had been watching this for a while but not as long as this. The next thing I remember was waking up to the sun and myself lying in a pile of branches about fifteen yards from where I was standing when I saw it. That was all I could remember. |
UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World